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Coalitions and Consensus: In Defense of Values that Matter | Raisina Dialogue 2020 | Samir Saran
Coalitions and Consensus: In Defense of Values that Matter.
Presentation of the Paper "Government Coalitions and Consensus Politics: Lessons from Lithuania"
Towards a Values-Based Consensus in South Asia and the Indo-Pacific | September 28, 2021
"The Wreckage of the Consensus" by Ayn Rand
Should you worry as coalition rule returns? Here is what India’s experiment tells us
The Consensus Debate: Is the Freedom to Transact a Universal Human Right? | Consensus 2019
Should we trust scientific consensus? Oreskes and Shermer
SPMES: Consensus and discordance in the Axelrod model for the dynamics of cultures- Nicolas Lanchier
Understanding Liberalism: Part III - The Postwar Consensus
Will The Next Trump Admin Break From The D.C. Consensus?